Monday, August 11, 2014

What is the Hexagon?

On the 24th of July at around 2 in the morning I got a phone call from my girlfriend who was amped up something fierce. She was on Hwy 93 heading south and about 75 miles north of Vegas when she saw a bunch of bright lights coming from her left. She thought it was a plane landing at first but it was traveling really slow and wasn't getting any lower. As it got closer to the highway she slowed way down to get a good look at it. She turned her stereo off to see if it was a jet plane and did not hear anything.  She said it had lights all around the edges and was a hexagonal shape. She was so excited when she called that it took some major convincing to keep her from driving off into the desert after it.

I thought a little missed sleep and that frantic phone call would be the end of it. It wasn't. I made the mistake of joking about little green men.  Hell hath no fury like a woman who has seen something weird at night! So for my penance I have created this blog to figure out what in the heck it is. We'll call it June's Hexagon. No we wont. She does not like that...

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